- Chromosomal disorder that causes intellectual disability
- Three types of genetic variation that causes Down Syndrome:
- Trisomy 21
- Translocation Trisomy 2
- Mosaic Trisomy 21
- Incidence in Malaysia - 1 in every 660 births (from KIWANIS)
- Used to be 1 in 950 in an earlier report published in 1989
- Incidence classified into 3 major ethnic groups:
- Malay – 1 in 981
- Chinese – 1 in 940
- Indians - 1 in 860
- Incidence according to age groups of mothers who are pregnant: (refer to graph for wider scale of age groups)
- If woman is under 30 – less than 1/1000
- If woman is pregnant at 35 – 1 /200
- If woman is pregnant at 42 – 1/60
- If woman is pregnant at 49 – 1 / 12
- About 75% of Down Syndrome babies are born to younger woman and 25% of them to older mothers. This is because mothers tend to have more children at a younger age rather than at an older age.
- If your parents are a carrier (Balanced carrier)
- If your parents have Down Syndrome
- If mothers are pregnant at a higher age, there is an increase in risk to have a baby that has Down Syndrome. (usually over 30 years old there is a significant increase in risk)
- Signs
- Postnatal - Physical appearance of baby or child ( eg. Dusky eyes at birth, low muscle tone, flat appearance of the face, small ears, upward slanting eye creases, large tongue etc) This can be used to diagnose a child after birth. However, further tests needs to be followed with to confirm it.
- Associated symptoms :
- Congenital heart defect and associated early onset of pulmonary of hypertension
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Leukemia
- Obstructive digestive tract
- Seizure disorders Respiratory problems
- Disturbance in autonomic nervous system Higher tendency to have: Thyroid problems,colds, bronchial complaints skin rashes, sore lips
- Prenatal Screening :
- Maternal Serum Screening: Test for hormones -Alpha-fetoprotein,Estriol , Human chorionic gonadotropin, Inhibin A, PAPP-A
- Ultrasound Screening
- Amniocentesis
- Chorionic Villus Sampling
- Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling
- Nonstress test
• Treatment and Management.
- Management
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Special education (inclusion or mainstreaming)
Special skills training
- Prevention
General recurrence risk is 1% for most cases
Family planning
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