General(caused by bacteria):
· Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after going to the toilet or changing nappies, after smoking, after using a handkerchief or tissue, or after handling animals.
· Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before preparing food or eating.
· Use disposable paper towels to dry your hands rather than cloth towels, since the bacteria can survive for some time on objects.
· Keep cold food cold (below 5°C) and hot foot hot (above 60°C) to discourage the growth of bacteria.
· Make sure foods are thoroughly cooked.
· Clean the toilet and bathroom regularly, especially the toilet seat, door handles and taps.
· Clean baby change tables regularly.
· When traveling overseas to countries where sanitation is suspect, only drink bottled water. Brush your teeth in bottled water too. Avoid food buffets, uncooked foods or peeled fruits and vegetables.
Gastroenteritis caused by virus
· There are still no ways to prevent gastroenteritis caused by virus.
Gastroenteritis caused by emotional upsets:
· Make conscious efforts to reduce stress in life.
§ Balance the demand of works and school works with opportunities for leisure time with friends and tin yee
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