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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

PCL Week 4- Structure of Debate on Friday

Hey guys. 

Due to some confusion over which styles of debate we should adopt, I am here to clarify how it will happen during the debate session.

There are 2 groups, Pro vs Anti. Each group is consisted of 4 members, with the first one being the captain of his respective teams. Namely, Majid(Pro) and Viran(Anti).

Each speaker is given 3 minutes to voice out their views, starting from the Pro Speaker 1, then Anti Speaker 1, followed by Pro Speaker 2, then Anti Speaker 2, and so on till Anti Speaker 4.

Speakers are allowed to rebut the points given by their opposing teams, while also to express their own views based on their stance WITHIN their 3 mins period. Speakers are to decide on how long they should spend rebutting in their given 3 mins period; or not rebutting at all. However if all 3 minutes are spent only on rebutting, and no points are given at all, it would disadvantage that particular team.

When all speakers are done, both teams are given 1 minute to prepare their summary speeches. One person from each team shall present the speech in 2 minutes time.

I will be reminding every speaker when his/her time is 15 seconds from up, therefore he/she should end his/her speech within the remaining 15 seconds.

In this way, it would be more in order and easier to regulate. So in the end the debate session will take slightly more than 30 minutes to finish.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Tata :)

From Lam

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello :)

And welcome.
Please don't be suprised at the lack of info here right now, because I'm going out in like 5 mins.
I'll start uploading the moment I get home which will be about 10. So, please feel free to post anything. Just make sure you put a label, but if you don't know how to, just ask me =)

Best shortest joke ever: joke. :)